We are planning our All Church Packing Party/Luncheon after Sunday school on Nov. 17th.  The plans are to eat lunch and then begin packing shoe boxes in the gym.  It is our prayer and goal this year to pack 1000 plus boxes.

We are in need of items such as:  washcloths, soap, and toothbrushes. Toothpaste and candy are not allowed.  South Knox Elementary school will be collecting items Oct. 23rd through Oct. 31st.

It has been exciting to see all the handmade items that folks have made this year.  Check out the display in the Lobby.  The goal is to have 2000 handmade items.

The first Tuesday in September, we began our work days for Operation Christmas child.  We continue to meet on Tuesday.    We have made over 200 jump ropes, 250 coloring books.  200 hair bow bags were put together also.  We are planning on meeting every Tuesday through November 12th, to work on Operation Christmas Child items.  Come and be a part of this as we can always use more hands. We will begin assembling boxes in October.

As you can see there are many ways you can be a part of our OCC ministry.  Postage is $9.00 per box and a donation will be taken for that in November.

Pastor Kay and Kimberly Bouillet